Cross Roads

Saltwater Country approaches every situation as a teachable moment. Utilising mental, emotional and physical memory cross roads addresses the compounding and ultimately catastrophic social-educational disadvantage experienced by First Nations youth and women in rural, remote, and regional Northern Australia. To increase school attendance, varied education and employment opportunities, improve long-term education and employment outcomes and a sense of achievement, we recognise school and community-based accountability is essential. The purpose of Crossroads is to give First Australian participants tactile, face-to-face and digital educational experience, with an emphasis on hands-on learning and developing real-world skills.

Emphasising supported independence and a well-prepared learning environment participants deliver real projects and live community activities, in turn increasing overall connection to their community and economy through increased their self-agency. Crossroads delivers Indigenous-designed and delivered (culturally and regionally relevant) project management training with genuine employment outcomes. These will bring about skilled local and indigenous network partners and organisations to support participants and lead to, improved social, emotional, cultural, and economic wellbeing through education reengagement, community, school, training and employment reconnection.

  • media                                           
  • hospitality                                       
  • creative design
  • marketing
  • logistics
  • project management


  • resenting
  • budgeting                                   
  • risk management                           
  • grant writing 
  • communications
  • stakeholder engagement              
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