Every possible aspect of our organisation and associated events will have social outcomes or add-ons first implementing a tiered contracting and employment system ensuring maximum benefit to the local community. Secondly seeking like minded partners and suppliers to ensure our purchases have an ongoing positive effect in our community and beyond. For example, using ‘Thank You Water’ instead of other bottled water and ‘Who Gives a Crap’ toilet paper will help fund clean water and sanitation projects in disadvantaged communities. Finally, we will continue to fundraise for Lifeline and White Ribbon whilst trying to create awareness of the issues that face our community and our people.
In the future Saltwater Country Inc. will hold a series of premier events and experiences including Professional Rodeo, Second Division Rodeo, Gala Ball (RFDS fundraiser), Rodeo Queen competition (Charity event), Country Music Event. Celebrating a lifestyle that strives to maintain a connection to the land through engaging all generations and community members in a professional rodeo and associated events.
Saltwater Country Inc. and its events have three key goals that maintain direct connection to its organizational objectives.
Goal 1: Event sustainability
This is a new event for Broome and sustaining it across several years is key to its success. A three-year plan for the event has been established offering a premier product and a standalone sustainable event is integral for the event’s success and assuring its future. Sponsorships and grants will be required and secured prior to the event to secure prize fund monies, an avenue for fundraising, good quality stock as well as other operational costs such as sponsorship drives and marketing the event well in advance.
Goal 2: Economic Impact
Saltwater Country Inc. aims to bring additional tourism income to the region as well as adopting a think local act local approach where possible.
Goal 3: Social
Saltwater Country Inc. and its events hope to play a significant role in the life of Broome’s community, as well a its surrounding stations and communities. The event offers the community an opportunity to enhance community spirit and family engagement through taking part in events whether as competitors, spectators, sponsors, employees or volunteers.
The Saltwater Country Inc. ethos will be to give back to the community and in doing so, create awareness of some of the issues facing our community, i.e. violence against women, youth suicide and juvenile justice.
Saltwater Country Inc. seeks to expand its operations through key partnerships in ways that relate to the organisations key objectives and core business, it is intended that as a result of the Rhythm and Ride Saltwater Country Inc. will be able to establish a Rodeo School to engage and up skill the community in conjunction with key partnerships well into the future.

Background Photo: Streets Jetty, Broome © Photo supplied by Tourism WA