Community Context
The Kimberley has some of the highest suicide and domestic violence rates in Australia and the world. Our people are lost and we hope that Saltwater Country Inc. and Rhythm & Ride will play a significant role in helping them find their way.
Each member of the committee has real life experience with suicide and domestic violence. We have all been affected by friends, family, community members that have suicided. We also know friends, family and community members that have been victims and/or perpetrators of domestic violence.
The Saltwater Country Committee choose to take a stand and use an innovative way to create positive change in such critical areas of our communities’ health and well being. Everyone on the committe has either been directly affected by suicide or knows someone who has, we witness domestic violence and know people who are victims and/or perpetrators. We also have hands on experience with the young people in the community who are directly affected by such issues, who will continue this devastating legacy if we do not do something to change it.
If we do not create awareness, create an organisation that supports our community members in a manner that is relevant to our context we will lose another generation to increased antisocial behavior and diminished health and well being. A generation weighed down by the burden of a devastating legacy rather than uplifted but a legacy of change makers who fight in the present for a better future.

Smart for YOUR business
Supporting Saltwater Country Inc. is smart for your business, through the sport of Rodeo & Campdrafting we will combat critical issues such as domestic violence, suicide, lack of education and training; issues affecting your current and future workforce.
Even if you do not see the effect of these issues today, if a conscious effort is not made to improve these situations through innovative means the community will suffer and in turn it will affect everyone through the future workforce, community crime rates and violence. This is the chance for you and your business to get in on the red dirt level, to provide hope and create change through mechanisms directly connected to the history and cultural context of the Kimberley for both indigenous and non-indigenous people. We seek to work with Broome’s community, its surrounding stations and communities to combat these very serious issues by an alternate and innovative means. Click here to download the Rhythm & Ride 2017 Partnership Proposal

Photo: Streets Jetty, Broome ©Photo supplied by Tourism Western Australia